Book Review: Abducting Abby by S.E. Smith

Abducting Abby (Dragon Lords of Valdier, #1)Abducting Abby by S.E. Smith
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Plot 3/5
The basic story about alien dragon shapeshifters with symbionts crashing on Earth, mating with humans, and taking them back to their homeworld, with a species-level expansion subplot (finding mates to, well, mate with) and a faction war in progress, was intriguing.

Characters 4/5
The characters are well described and easy to imagine, including the dog, the symbionts, and Abby’s antagonist at the beginning. Character description-wise, the characters are well done. Character development-wise, some reactions, and acceptance of the situations seemed too fast, almost forced instead of coming naturally.

World-Building 5/5
The setting and the descriptions of both Earth and the alien planet, coupled with the base idea of alien dragon shapeshifters with symbionts, are well done.

Cover Design 3/5
The cover is average, in my opinion; it doesn’t give me a clue about the alien’s aspect, the Dragon-shapeshifting aspect, or the symbiotic relationship with the aliens. It appears like just another romance cover.

Spice 3/5
There are two main issues with the spice.
(1) The Abby Zoran relationship was Insta-love, rushed and instant. Even with the trope of a Dragon shapeshifter, it was rushed
(2) Abby, a virgin, goes from having sex one time with Zoran to expertly accepting anything he wants to do to her, like some sex professional.
A slower buildup and acceptance of both (1) and (2) would have made the plot and spice more believable.

Pace 3/5
The events happened quickly, including the relationship, transformation, and acceptance by Abby.

Engagement 4/5
Despite several eye-rolls with insta-love, insta-intimacy, and insta-nymphomaniac status for Abby, who accepts and performs every and any sexual act, despite being a virgin the day before, the story kept my attention.

Alien shapeshifter Dragons with Symbionts!

Overall, the story was entertaining and kept my interest.
I give this one 3/5 stars overall.

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Filed under Aliens, Book Reviews, Fantasy, fiction, paranormal, Paranormal Romance, Science Fiction Romance, Shapeshifters

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