Monthly Archives: May 2024

Book Review: Lightlark by Alex Aster

Lightlark (Lightlark, #1)Lightlark by Alex Aster
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I struggled to finish this book. The marketing stuff I originally read about this book compared it to The Hunger Games, but I don’t seem to find those claims now- it seems to have disappeared, or the marketing was revised.

I borrowed this book from my local online digital library three times. I kept losing interest in the book, which was auto-returned with a waitlist. I kept losing interest and putting it down. Overall, by the third loan, I wanted to finish it to see if there were some redeeming qualities at the end. It did have some, somewhat, but not in a big way, and I am not so sure the journey was worth getting to the destination (the end).

In general, character motivations, the reveal at the end, the character depth, and much of the dialog fell flat and lacked dimension. The world-building was good, and the plot, though not what I expected because of how the book was marketed, was also not bad. It was not 100% uninteresting, but it was a struggle to keep going. I don’t see myself reading the second book at this point, not with a “to read” list a mile long.

Maybe I have to let this one sit for a bit and then go back again. Maybe… and then again, maybe not.

I rate this one 2 stars because the author did, in fact, write a YA fantasy book with some romance and some magic, just not to the quality or interest level that I would have expected or desired to invest my time in reading.

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Filed under Book Reviews, Dystopian, Fantasy, fiction, magic, Romance, young adult

Book Review: Abducting Abby by S.E. Smith

Abducting Abby (Dragon Lords of Valdier, #1)Abducting Abby by S.E. Smith
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Plot 3/5
The basic story about alien dragon shapeshifters with symbionts crashing on Earth, mating with humans, and taking them back to their homeworld, with a species-level expansion subplot (finding mates to, well, mate with) and a faction war in progress, was intriguing.

Characters 4/5
The characters are well described and easy to imagine, including the dog, the symbionts, and Abby’s antagonist at the beginning. Character description-wise, the characters are well done. Character development-wise, some reactions, and acceptance of the situations seemed too fast, almost forced instead of coming naturally.

World-Building 5/5
The setting and the descriptions of both Earth and the alien planet, coupled with the base idea of alien dragon shapeshifters with symbionts, are well done.

Cover Design 3/5
The cover is average, in my opinion; it doesn’t give me a clue about the alien’s aspect, the Dragon-shapeshifting aspect, or the symbiotic relationship with the aliens. It appears like just another romance cover.

Spice 3/5
There are two main issues with the spice.
(1) The Abby Zoran relationship was Insta-love, rushed and instant. Even with the trope of a Dragon shapeshifter, it was rushed
(2) Abby, a virgin, goes from having sex one time with Zoran to expertly accepting anything he wants to do to her, like some sex professional.
A slower buildup and acceptance of both (1) and (2) would have made the plot and spice more believable.

Pace 3/5
The events happened quickly, including the relationship, transformation, and acceptance by Abby.

Engagement 4/5
Despite several eye-rolls with insta-love, insta-intimacy, and insta-nymphomaniac status for Abby, who accepts and performs every and any sexual act, despite being a virgin the day before, the story kept my attention.

Alien shapeshifter Dragons with Symbionts!

Overall, the story was entertaining and kept my interest.
I give this one 3/5 stars overall.

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Filed under Aliens, Book Reviews, Fantasy, fiction, paranormal, Paranormal Romance, Science Fiction Romance, Shapeshifters