Tag Archives: tender-is-the-flesh

Book Review: Tender is the Flesh by Agustina Bazterrica

Tender is the FleshTender is the Flesh by Agustina Bazterrica
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This brilliant novel by Agustina Bazterrica is about society after “the transition” where an event happens, and all animal meat on Earth becomes poison to humans. The world governments normalize raising and eating “special meat” – i.e., humans as cattle, but they don’t call it cannibalism- or any other words that make you think twice about what you are slaughtering and what you are eating.

This book goes there and answers the question: is cannibalism a taboo subject? It’s masterfully addressed. If you are squeamish, don’t read this vividly described book, but if you are curious and can stand a little bit of vivid description, it will 100% keep you reading and on the edge of your seat right up until the last page (as the book cover states.)

Disclaimer: This book is not for those with a weak constitution!

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Filed under Adult, Book Reviews, Dark, fiction, Literary, Mystery, Psychological, Thriller